Tuesday, December 10, 2013

To Murder A Saint by Nicole Loughan

eBook Edition
Nicole Loughan is a new author to me. I recently download and read the eBook version of Nicole Loughan's novella To Murder A Saint. To Murder A Saint is a mystery and makes for a quick read due to its short length of roughly 70 pages. 

As far as the storyline goes, it was decent. Most of the characters were interesting enough and well developed. However, I found the storyline ho-hum overall.

I'd pretty much guessed who the killer was near the end of To Murder A Saint, so it was no surprise to me when the killer's identity was revealed. 

Some of the details written about in To Murder A Saint seemed far fetched/unrealistic to me... Like the New York City Police Department thinking that an alligator murdered the leading character's roommate. Or that a the true killer was able to keep an 8 foot plus alligator in his duplex basement in New York City.

I'm giving To Murder A Saint by Nicole Loughan a 3 stars out of 5 stars rating.

Until my next post, happy reading!!

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