Monday, October 19, 2015

Christopher Walken Reading Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”

I remember reading the classic poem, The Raven by Edgar Allan, Poe when I was in middle school (or was it high school that I read this poem?!?!). I remember that I really enjoyed reading The Raven a lot back then. The imagery created by Edgar Allan Poe in The Raven is so vivid, that I could see in my mind's eye what was going on as the poem unfolded.

So, when I discovered an article on the Buzzfeed website last night titled, Christopher Walken Reading Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” Will Make Your Literary-Loving Heart Explode by Alison Caporimo, I couldn't wait to listen to how Christopher Walken read The Raven. 

Let's just say that Christoper Walken's narration of The Raven is downright awesome. Click on the link provided above to be taken to the above article where you'll find a link to listen to Christopher Walken reading The Raven.

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